1. phreeqc::Amm.dat
    The Amm.dat database.
  2. phreeqc::ColdChem.dat
    The ColdChem.dat database.
  3. phreeqc::Kinec.v2.dat
    Thermodynamic and rates database from Oelkers and coworkers.
  4. phreeqc::Kinec_v3.dat
    Thermodynamic and rates database from Oelkers and coworkers.
  5. phreeqc::PHREEQC_ThermoddemV1.10_15Dec2020.dat
    Thermochemical Database from the BRGM institute (French Geological Survey)
  6. phreeqc::Tipping_Hurley.dat
    The Tipping_Hurley.dat database
  7. phreeqc::core10.dat
    The core10.dat database
  8. phreeqc::ex1
    Example 1-Speciation Calculation
  9. phreeqc::ex10
    Example 10-Aragonite-Strontianite Solid Solution
  10. phreeqc::ex11
    Example 11-Transport and Cation Exchange
  11. phreeqc::ex12
    Example 12-Advective and Diffusive Flux of Heat and Solutes
  12. phreeqc::ex13a
    Example 13-Aragonite-Strontianite Solid Solution
  13. phreeqc::ex13b
    Example 13-Aragonite-Strontianite Solid Solution
  14. phreeqc::ex13c
    Example 13-Aragonite-Strontianite Solid Solution
  15. phreeqc::ex14
    Example 14-Advective Transport, Cation Exchange, Surface Complexation, and Mineral Equilibria
  16. phreeqc::ex15
    Example 15-1D Transport: Kinetic Biodegradation, Cell Growth, and Sorption
  17. phreeqc::ex15.dat
    The ex15.dat database
  18. phreeqc::ex16
    Example 16-Inverse Modeling of Sierra Spring Waters
  19. phreeqc::ex17
    Example 17-Inverse Modeling With Evaporation
  20. phreeqc::ex18
    Example 18-Inverse Modeling of the Madison Aquifer
  21. phreeqc::ex19
    Example 19-Modeling Cd+2 Sorption With Linear, Freundlich, and Langmuir Isotherms, and With a Deterministic Distribution of Sorption Sites for Organic Matter, Clay Minerals, and Iron Oxyhydroxides
  22. phreeqc::ex2
    Example 2-Equilibration With Pure Phases
  23. phreeqc::ex20a
    Example 20-Distribution of Isotopes Between Water and Calcite
  24. phreeqc::ex20b
    Example 20-Distribution of Isotopes Between Water and Calcite
  25. phreeqc::ex21
    Example 21-Modeling Diffusion of HTO, 36Cl-, 22Na+, and Cs+ in a Radial Diffusion Cell
  26. phreeqc::ex22
    Example 22-Modeling Gas Solubilities: CO2 at High Pressures
  27. phreeqc::ex3
    Example 3-Mixing
  28. phreeqc::ex4
    Example 4-Evaporation and Homogeneous Redox Reactions
  29. phreeqc::ex5
    Example 5-Irreversible Reactions
  30. phreeqc::ex6
    Example 6-Reaction-Path Calculations
  31. phreeqc::ex7
    Example 7-Gas-Phase Calculations
  32. phreeqc::ex8
    Example 8-Surface Complexation
  33. phreeqc::ex9
    Example 9-Kinetic Oxidation of Dissolved Ferrous Iron With Oxygen
  34. phreeqc::frezchem.dat
    The frezchem.dat database
  35. phreeqc::iso.dat
    The iso.dat database.
  36. phreeqc::llnl.dat
    The llnl.dat database.
  37. phreeqc::minteq.dat
    The minteq.dat database.
  38. phreeqc::minteq.v4.dat
    The minteq.v4.dat database.
  39. phreeqc::phreeqc.dat
    The phreeqc.dat database
  40. phreeqc::phreeqc_rates.dat
    Thermodynamic and rates database
  41. phreeqc::pitzer.dat
    The pitzer.dat database.
  42. phreeqc::sit.dat
    The sit.dat database.
  43. phreeqc::stimela.dat
    The stimela.dat database.
  44. phreeqc::wateq4f.dat
    The wateq4f.dat database.